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Research Café: Indigenous Peoples

Research Café: Indigenous Peoples In-Person

Research Cafés are free public talks in an accessible space. Refreshments are provided and we invite questions and discussion from the floor once both speakers have finished their talks.

"Sharing Lands: The Choctaw Famine Gift to the Irish." Dr Padraig Kirwan will talk about his ongoing project with the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, which examines the relationship between the tribe and the people of Ireland following the Nation's donation of $712 during the Great Irish Famine in 1847. His research raises questions about reciprocity, relationality, and Indigeneity in global contexts, and this gift offers us an opportunity to consider the connections that exist between sovereign nations and peoples on myriad levels.

"Getting Under Our Skin: From Black to BLAK." This talk by Professor Deirdre Osborne offers new perspectives on dispossession, migration and racialisation that unsettle the hierarchies of the ‘colonial’ and ‘decolonial’ derived from Eurocentric and Afrocentric paradigms in the context of Australia’s First Nations writers. She will compare two examples of contemporary Indigenous Australian writers’ radical restorations of the complexities of kinship and familial recovery: introducing the work of proud Goa-Gunggari-Wakka Wakka Murri woman Leah Purcell, and Koori writer Tony Birch's novel The White Girl.

If you want to join the mailing list to be informed of future Research Cafés, please register here: https://gold.libwizard.com/f/research-cafe-subscribe.

Please note this event has been rescheduled to the new time of 11.00-12.00 on Wednesday 22nd November.

Wednesday 22 November 2023
11:00 - 12:00
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
Goldsmiths Library, Ground floor social study space
  Research Café  
Registration has closed.

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